This time Samsung is coming with its new release Galaxy Note II. Samsung Galaxy Note II has the better hardware, big screen, powerful processor and attractive look. Its big screen gives the better user experience. Lets examine its various features closely, first talk about its display- 5.5 inch super AMOLED touch screen with 1280 x 720 px resolution, its big display make it a device of the new category that is between smartphone and tablets. for viewing full HD video and other hard stuff, it is perfect.
The device has a powerful 8 MP camera with auto focus, flash and full HD video recording capability. The front camera with 1.9 Mp works good during video chats.
Samsung improved the S pen technology in this device, with the help of S note app user can create hand-written notes and images.
Split-window mode provides user to use the two windows simultaneously, however it will support only limited applications such as YouTube, G-mail and the web browsers.
Big Screen
Powerful Camera
Good battery life
Good performance
New inbuilt features( such as split-window etc.)
The Battery life and performance is good, you can use the phone up to 18 to 20 hours at average use, However it depends on the individual’use but user can work up to 14 hours during heavy use without charging again.
The device has large display that is bigger than average smartphone and smaller than tablet’s screen. If you find smartphone too limiting and tablets too big, you can go with the Galaxy Note II.
Comparison between LG Optimus G and SAMSUNG GALAXY Note II